Hi, my name's Carson. I'm a senior at UGA studying computer science with plans to graduate in may. In my free time I like to read, exercise, build legos, collect various knick knacks, and learn new things.
My favorite thing to code is front-end for websites. I think its the perfect intersection of Computer Science and Creativity. I have learned languages and skills such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS/Tailwind, React, and I've taken a web development course at UGA. I also have experience in Java, C/C++, MongoDB, and a smattering of python.
After taking a two year break from music, I auditioned for the UGA Redcoat Band before my junior year. Sdince then, I've been to every home football game, Jacksonville twice with two wins against Florida, Mercedez-Benz Stadium three times with an SEC Championship win, Miami to the Orange Bowl, and New Orleans to the Sugar Bowl. I made many new friends and a lifetime of memories.
Recently, I joined DevDogs at UGA, which is a Google Developer Group. I am part of the front-end team in a project developing a schedule building website for UGA students. The goal is to provide a feature-rich schedule service, tailored to UGA.
A CRUD Operations project with an open-ended topic. My team of 3 created a website that individual characteristics for the user to input. The user could then edit and delete their team, or view information about it. The team was saved to the database and displayed on the home screen. Front-end implemented with React along with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Back-end implemented with Node.js, and MongoDB. Team collaboration with git.
A full-stack term project with a scrum-based workflow. My team of 4 built a website that allowed users to book movies, which included picking showtimes and selecting seats. I was required custom components, conditional rendering, and communication between the ticket selection page and the checkout page. Front-end implemented with React, along with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Team collaboration with git.